Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid Deputy President/Deputy Vice Chancellor INTI University College , Malaysia
Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid is Deputy President / Deputy Vice Chancellor INTI-UC Laureate International Universities and Professor of Management, Education and the Social Sciences. Dr. Ibrahim is the First Director of the Regional Center for Educational Planning (UNESCO-RCEP), Al Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid was Professor of Management, Leadership and Policy Studies and the Founding Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at University Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR) for seven years before taking the post of Director, RCEP. He is the former Director of Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB) - The National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership. He was a member of the Task Force that established Institute Aminuddin Baki in 1979. For more than two and a half decades he has been the key figure in the Field of Educational Management and Leadership in Malaysia. He is Editor and Editorial Advisor for several educational journals, locally and internationally. He has presented keynote addresses at various national and international conferences in Malaysia and abroad. Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid exercises many leadership roles and has provided services as consultant in policy-making governmental Committees, private sector and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). He was President of the Senior Educators’ Association, Fellow of the Council of Education Management in Commonwealth Countries, Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, Fellow Emeritus of the National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership (IAB), Fellow of the National Research Institute on Youth, Senior Fellow of the Malaysian Social Institute, Consultant Fellow of the International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP), Member of the Advisory Board of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC), Hong Kong Institute of Education and Honorary Life Member of the Malaysian Association for Music Education (MAME). He was actively involved as a Trade Union leader and is currently leading professional associations, including, as President of the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM) and the Malaysian Educational Management and Leadership Association, and Board Member and President Elect of the Asia–Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA). He has been a consultant in Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Botswana, and Cambodia and had the opportunity of contributing in the activities of UNESCO, UNDP, ASEAN Council of Teachers (ACT), and Education International (EI). He was a regular columnist in the New Straits/Sunday Times with a weekly column every Sunday, entitled, “As I Wonder”.
He is the National Advisor/Consultant for Asia–Europe Initiative on Lifelong Learning in Malaysia and is currently engaged in several research projects and is supervising several Masters and Doctoral scholars. Dr. Ibrahim is in the Academic Advisory Boards in several national universities. He has written over five hundred articles and academic papers covering significant issues in national development relating to education, social and intellectual capital creation, the strengthening of families and communities, and the enhancement of human potentialities. He has been a Panelist in many public media fora discussing issues on education, human resources development, and societal change.
His latest publication is Bajunid, I. A (2008) (ed.). Malaysia - From Traditional to Smart Schools - The Malaysian Educational Odyssey. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. He initiated and is now leading several Handbook Writing Projects on Human Resources Development and Training (the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management 2007-2010) and Handbook of Higher Education in Malaysia (APEX University, Universiti Sains Malaysia 2009-2014). He is Advisor to Challenger Concept on the Production of the Book Who’s Who in Malaysian Educational Leadership (2009)
Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid has also been recognized by the Malaysian Historical Society and the Malaysian Library Association for his contributions to the promotion of historical literacy and knowledge culture respectively. He is also Advisor/Consultant for the establishment of the Regional Centre for Educational Policy and Planning (RCEP) in Al-Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He is Member of the National Committee on the Study, Review and Reform of Higher Education in Malaysia. He is Adjunct/Visiting Professor at several universities.
Adi dilahirkan pada 15 Ogos 1951 di Tatau, Sarawak, di mana dia memulakan pendidikan rendahnya. Adi kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan menengah di Bintulu dan Miri, memperoleh ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam Pengajian Melayu dan Diploma Pendidikan pada tahun 1973, dan Sarjana Pendidikan dalam bidang Perkembangan Kurikulum pada tahun 1979 dari Universiti Malaya, dan ijazah Kedoktoran Pendidikan dari Universiti Bristol, U.K. pada tahun 1996 dalam bidang Pengurusan Pendidikan
Sebelum menjadi Pengarah Biro Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Majlis Islam Sarawak, Adi pernah sebelum bersara daripada Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Malaysia pada 15 Ogos 2007, bertugas sebagai Pengarah Peperiksaan, Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, Pengarah Pendidikan Sarawak, Pengarah, Maktab Perguruan Batu Lintang, Kuching, Ketua Penolong Pengarah (Hal Ehwal Murid) di Bahagian Sekolah, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Ketua Sektor, Sektor Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Pendidikan; Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Penyeliaan Sekolah dan Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Kurikulum di Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sarawak.
Adi juga pernah menjadi Pegawai Pendidikan Bahagian di Sri Aman dan di Bahagian Miri; menjadi guru Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Melayu; pensyarah di Maktab Perguruan Batu Lintang, Kuching; tutor di Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Malaya; dan Pengetua di SMK Green Road Kuching, dan Pengetua Kolej Tun Datuk Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri.
Adi banyak menulis makalah ilmiah tentang pendidikan dan diterbitkan dalam beberapa jurnal akademik. Selain itu, Adi telah banyak menghasilkan kertas kerja untuk symposium, seminar dan konvensyen mengenai pendidikan, kesusasteraan dan kebudayaan. Buku ilmiah beliau School Supervision: A Sarawak Experience telah diterbitkan pada tahun 2004. Selain terlibat dalam alam pendidikan, Adi bergiat cergas dalam pelbagai aktiviti kemasyarakatan, kebudayaan, kebahasaan, kesusasteraan dan teater.
Adi pernah memenangi Piala Pungguk kerana menjadi Johan Pertandingan Menulis Sajak Remaja (1974) bagi sajak Gratitude. Kerana sajak Penagih Sepi menjadi anak Sarawak yang pertama menerima Hadiah Sastera Kebangsaan pada tahun 1975 untuk bidang puisi. Dalam gerakan kebahasaan dan kesusasteraan Adi juga pernah menjadi:
Ahli Jawatankuasa Parsatuan Bahasa dan Sastera Sarawak (PEBAS)
Ketua Satu, Persatuan Penuiis Utara Sarawak (PUTERA),
Pengasas dan Ketua Satu, Gabungan Perastuan Penulis Sarawak (GPPS),
Ahli Jawatankuasa Gabungan Persatuan Penulis Nasional (GAPENA)
Ketua Satu, Rumpun Seni Drama Sarawak (RUSDA)
dan kini sabagai Pengarusi, Medan Teater Sarawak (MANTERA).
Dalam bidang kasusasteraan sehingga kini Adi talah menghasilkan 3 kumpulani puisi
perseorangan — Lagu Malam, Puisi Buat Mama dan Panziarah Waktu.
Selain itu karya-karya Adi juga dimuatkan dalam baberapa kumpulan puisi bersama dengan beberapa penulis nasional yang Iain. Beberapa buah sajak Adi juga dimasukkan ke dalam buku teks untuk mata pelajaran Kesusasteraan Melayu dan Kompcnen Sastera. Sehingga kini, kerana hasil karya kreatif dan penglibatan dalam dunia kebahasaan dan kesusasteraan Adi telah menerima anugerah berikut:
Hadiah Sastera Kabangsaan (Puisi) 1975 & 2003
Hadiah Sastara Sarawak (Puisi) 1995,
Hadiah Aktivis Sastera Sarawak 1997, dan
Hadiah Sastera Sarawak (Drama) 1998.
Kerana sumbangan itu juga Adi telah dikurniakan pingat-pingat berikut:
ABS (1985),
AMN (1997),
PBS (2002),
JBS (2003),
Pingat Peringatan Delima (Perak)(2003), dan DJBS (2004).
Dato' Freida binti Dato' Haji Mohd Pilus
Dato' Freida is an established and renown educator. She pioneered private school education and has been instrumental in its transformation into one of the fastest growing economic sectors of the Malaysian service industry today. She spearheads the Cempaka Group of Schools, which leads through continued innovation in its schools.
Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, Bukit Nanas, (CBN), 1961 - 1967 Universiti Malaya — BA (Hons.), 1967-1970
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MBA, 1980-1982
Civil Service — 1971 to 1983
Upon graduation with an Honours Degree from Universiti Malaya in 1971, Freida joined the PTD and was posted as Assistant Secretary, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra). She was placed in the Political Division of the Ministry as Desk Officer with responsibility for the United Nations and the Americas.
In 1974 she opted for the Home Sector of the PTD and was posted to the Ministry of Education where she established the Foreign Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Education. In 1975 She was promoted to Superscale “G” as Principal Assistant Secretary in the Finance Division, dealing with planning and resource allocation.
In 1979, she was posted to the National Institute for Public Administration (INTAN) as a Lecturer and Chief Research Officer. It was here that she was awarded a scholarship to read for a Master’s Degree in Business Administra- tion at UKM. She received her MBA in 1981, and was immediately posted
to the Foreign Investment Committee in the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister’s Department, dealing mergers and acquisition.
In 1983 she started Sri Cempaka primarily for her young sons.
Cempaka Schools — 1983 to today
Freida’s life and achievement in education is without parallel in the country. Over a period of two decades she took private school education out of the backwaters of an institution for dropouts of the past to what it is today - a respected, and highly sought after, alternative to a good Government school. And with courage and entrepreneurial panache, she single-handedly set the tone and cachet of private school education in Malaysia to what it is today. How she achieved this will one day become a case study for MBA courses in universities.
The first Cempaka School was founded in 1983 as a Primary School in a rented bungalow near the Royal Selangor Golf Club. It was established solely to educate her five young boys. She was determined to provide the best possible education for her sons, and spared no effort to bring this qual- ity of education to her school that started off with thirty students and eight teachers.
She was not trained as a teacher, and this worked to her advantage. She had no preconceived ideas to crib, cabin and confine her ideas. Instead she was free to let her mind soar to bring the best to her pupils. This was a phenome- non that had never before happened in Malaysian education. She relied on her own intelligence, passion and ideas to shape young minds and personali- ties that is today the imprimatur of a Cempaka education today.
Cempaka’s beginnings were modest, but its impact on parents in and around the Federal Capital was almost immediate. Parents soon learnt from word of mouth of the care, discipline and academic rigour to be found in the new private school.
In 1989, the school moved to a new campus in Bukit Damansara. In 2002, she opened a second campus in Cheras, which includes a national curricu- lum school, an international school and a pre-university college, with a total enrollment of 2,500. In 2009, Cempaka International Ladies’ College, a residential school for girls was founded. This is the first private boarding school for Secondary girls.
Cempaka gives out 1.2 Million Ringgit worth of scholarships a year.
Cempaka’s Innovative Firsts:
First school to use computers in the main school curriculum, 1983.
First school to introduce programming in the main school curriculum, 1983.
First school to make swimming compulsory, 1989.
First school to develop and incorporate a comprehensive compulsory per- forming arts programme, 2000.
Innovated to elevate co-curricular activities involvement alongside aca- demic achievement via the Cempaka Awards Scheme (CCA), 2000. Cempakans have built an especially strong name in swimming, synchro- nized swimming, water polo, netball and Olympic handball. In addition, the CCA programme also includes mountain climbing and scuba diving. First school to introduce professional creative software into the main school curriculum, 2001.
First school in South Asia to be accorded the Apple Distinguished School status for innovation in using technology in education by Apple Com- puter, USA, 2002
Only school to be recognized with three awards for academic and co- curricular activities by the Ministry of Education in 2003, the only year that the ministry presented these awards to private schools
“Anugerah Kecermelangan Akademic Sekolah Rendah, Pendidikan
Swasta , Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia”
“Anugerah Kecermelangan Akademik Sekolah Menengah, Pendidikan
Swasta , Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia”
“Anugerah Kecermelangan Ko-kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Ke-
menterian Pendidikan”
Only school with a girls’ water polo team.
First school in Malaysia with an established synchronized swimming team.
First school with a one laptop per student programme in Malaysia, 2007 First school to have a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), 2007
First to start Cempaka Think, a company to promote a thinking nation, 2008
First to start a programme to develop problem solving skills by the intro- duction of the Cempaka Challenge Based Learning programme, 2009.PASSION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE
Freida has a strong passion for community work, which she has instilled in the students at Cempaka. She launched Persatuan Anak Penyayang Sri
Cempaka (PAPS) at Institut Pediatrik, Hospital Kuala Lumpur in 1991, where a partnership between the School and the hospital provides a platform for Cempakans to be involved in community service projects and hospital visits. In 1996, a second chapter was set up with the University Malaya Medical Centre followed by the third chapter with Hospital Universiti Ke- bangsaan Malaysia. PAPS also drives various other charity efforts such as the campaign for natural disaster victims (tsunami, earthquake, floods, cy- clone etc) as well as awareness/fund-raising activities for Cancer, Down’s Syndrome and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Honorary Assistant Secretary to the National Cancer Council (MAKNA). Committee Member of Permata Negara, dealing with children below 6 under the Partronage of Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
Committee Member of the first Malaysian Arts Council which is tasked with mapping out the way forward for the Arts in the country.
Committee Member of University of Malaya Alumni (PAUM) Committee Member of the Malaysian Children’s Aid Society.
Board Member of the International Schools Association (ISA), Geneva, Switzerland.
Tokoh Guru Kebangsaan 2013 Pingat Ahli Setia Negeri Sembilan (A.N.S.), 19th July 2006 Anugerah Usahawan Wanita, 15th August 2007
National Women Entrepreneur Award 2008
Ernst and Young Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2009
Datuk Yaacob Wan Ibrahim
He is one of the Ministry of Education (MOE) top senior executives, had served the education service for 32 years. Based on his record of services, Datuk Yaacob had gained a wide knowledge and experiences about the Malaysian Education System. Started his teaching profession in January 1971, he had moved around in the education system assuming roles as a school teacher, a teacher educator/lecturer, a secondary school senior assistant, a secondary school principal, and as a principal or director of a Malaysian teacher’s college. Climbing the education administrative ladder, he had held several senior and top executive posts of departments of the Ministry of Education. Among the strategic divisions and departments of the MOE that he served were Teacher Education Division , Educational Planning and Research Division, Schools Division, Education Technology Division, Private Education Department, and Kuala Lumpur Education Department of the Federal Territory .
By academic qualifications, he obtained his Masters of Education degree from one of the American prestigious universities i.e. the Harvard University, USA(1990) and a Bachelor of Arts (Malay Studies and Economics) from the University of Malaya. His professional teaching qualifications were Diploma in Education (University of Malaya, 1972) and Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand, 1979).
His international work experiences encompassed education attachment programs, education visits, international conferences, meetings, presentation of country papers and oversea posting. For such purpose, the countries engaged were USA, Canada, Japan, Pakistan, Korea, Australia, Scotland, Netherlands, and Korea. As the Director of Malaysian Students Department in Sydney cum a Malaysian Consul in Australia from 1995-1998, Datuk Yaacob had the opportunity to establish networking with many Australian universities as well as the Consular Corps in Sydney. As part of the assignment of Private Education Department head (Deputy D-G), Datuk Yaacob led the Malaysian education delegations participating in the international education exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Dubai, Brunei, Bangkok, Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, and Vancouver.
After retiring from the government service in 2004, he joined a private college as Director of Institution Development, and later moved out to be appointed as a Fellow of Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS Malaysia) until early 2009. Currently, Datuk Yaacob is a Special Project Advisor to Paramount Corporation Berhad (PCB), Petaling Jaya. He also had experienced as Board of Trustee member in education related NGOs, such as the Selangor Foundation and the Federal Territory Foundation. Other NGOs that Datuk Yaacob is supporting are Yayasan Pendidikan Cheras (Cheras Education Foundation) and the Malaysian Historical Society Kuala Lumpur Branch.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Ong Kim
Assoc Prof Lee Ong Kim assumed headship of the Policy and Leadership Studies Academic Group on 1 July 2005 as a concurrent appointment with his position as Associate Professor. Prior to these appointments at NIE, Assoc Prof Lee served at the Malaysian Ministry of Education for 25 years, the last seven years of which he served as Head of the Computer Unit of the National Institute of Educational Management (June 1993 to June 1997) and the Educational Research and Consultancy Department (June 1997 to January 2000).
Assoc Prof Lee received his PhD from the University of Chicago in December 1992 in the area of Measurement, Evaluation and Statistical Analysis. His Master's degree in Educational Research Methodology was from the University of Pittsburgh, received in December 1984. His first degree is a BSc (Hons) in Physics, obtained from the University of Malaya in 1974.
Research Interests
Assoc Prof Lee's research interest includes areas that require measurement and scaling for which he uses Rasch Measurement. Examples of research he has done are large scale test equating for the measurement of growth in mathematics and reading, measurement of attitudinal changes, and the measurement of changes in perceptions of chosen variables as a result of teacher training as well as in-service training programmes.
Professional Contributions
Assoc Prof Lee has conducted several workshops on Questionnaire Construction and Analysis to schools, zones and ministry officials and has also given talks on how to make sense of data to key personnel in several clusters. He has presented on Testing and Measurement Issues and Processes for several Staff Enrichment Seminars organised by NIE and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) from March 2004 to February 2006. In July 2003, he served on an external validation team of the Ministry's School Excellence Model external validation process. He was a member of the NTU Steering Committee for the Review of Teaching Feedback and Teaching Recognition from May to November 2003. He was elected Vice-President of the Educational Research Association of Singapore in September 2005.
Assoc Prof Lee was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award in 2003 by NIE in recognition of teaching excellence achieved in 2002, and again in 2005 in recognition of teaching excellence achieved in 2004. During his service in Malaysia, he was awarded the Excellent Service Award (1994) by the Ministry of Education. He received this Excellent Service Award again in 1996.
Dr. Sazali Yusoff
Currently Dr. Sazali Yusoff is the Director of Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB), Penang, Malaysia. He was a Head of Center, Center of Research, Evaluation and ICT in Education at Institut Aminuddin Baki, (National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership) Ministry of Education Malaysia, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan before being appointed as Director at IPGKTB. He was a Senior Lecturer at Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch since 1996. Prior to this appointment he was Head of Department for several departments, namely the Department of Finance and Administration Training, Department of Quality Management, and Department of Educational Research and Development. Before joining IAB, he was attached to Perak State Education Department as Curriculum Officer. His career began as a Physics teacher in several schools in Pahang and Perak. His interest in academic activities has brought him to the world of academia by actively involved in research, writing and editing several journal articles, proceedings, and books. Dr. Sazali has presented various research papers on school leadership and management, both locally and internationally. He was a panel in designing, implementing and conducting specialized courses for Omani Educational Leaders and UNESCO programme for G15 countries. He is also involved in conducting courses for Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programs (MTCP) in the area of leadership. Currently he is the Secretary-General for Malaysian Society for Educational Administration and Management.